We are experts in all areas
of family law and regularly represent our clients in court.
Whether your issues relate to marriage, a de facto relationship, the interests of children, or other members of your family, CNG Law are able to assist you in navigating these difficult issues.
We provide clear options and advice during each step of your matter so that you have all the necessary information to make an informed decision for both yourself and your family.
At CNG Law we are able to assist you in all areas relating to Family Law including, but not limited to:
Advices before you separate so that you are aware of your options
Matrimonial and De Facto Property Settlement
High Net Worth Property Settlement
De Facto Relationships
Same Sex Relationships
Children’s Arrangements
Parenting Plans
Child Support
Child Support Agreements
Child Protection
Domestic and Family Violence
Family Dispute Resolution
Binding Financial Agreements
Spousal Maintenance

Family Lawyers Sunshine Coast
Separating from your partner can be difficult, stressful and overwhelming. Following separation many people become overwhelmed with information being provided to them by those close relatives and friends, or information obtained from online searches. This can cause even more stress and confusion, as well as placing you at risk of not receiving all of the relevant information to enable you to make an informed decision.
Whether your issues relate to the breakdown of a marriage, a de facto relationship, the interests of your child or children, or other members of your family, child support or domestic violence, CNG Law are able to assist you in navigating these difficult issues.
We provide clear, pragmatic and direct advices so that you have all of the necessary information available to make an informed decision that is best for you, and your family.
We understand that at the time of separation your focus may be on your immediate safety, or the safety of your children. We can provide you with the necessary advices on how to ensure not only your personal safety and security, but also your financial security.
Following a separation, there are often assets and liabilities which need to be divided as quickly and cost effectively as possible. There are specific time limits which apply to financial matters and, a failure to comply with these time limits may impact your ability to receive a just and equitable division following your separation.
In some cases, you may have already reached an agreement with your former partner as to the future care arrangements for your children, or the division of your assets and liabilities. If this is the case for you we can assist you in having your agreement formalised to ensure it is binding and enforceable.
If you do not ensure that your property settlement is documented properly you may place yourself at risk of any such agreement being unenforceable in either the near or distant future. Imagine how you might feel if your former spouse were to request a property settlement some five or ten years after you had already thought you had reached agreement.
Generally formalising property settlement agreements this occurs by way of an Application for Consent Orders and Consent Orders being filed in the Family Court of Australia or a Binding Financial Agreement being entered into. We can provide you with advices as to which option may be more suitable or appropriate for your particular circumstances and agreement reached.
Following separation many parents like to be informed as to the options available in relation to Child Support, including periodic child support payments, schooling fees, extra-curricular activity fees, and how Child Support may be assessed. We can provide you with an overview of the options available in relation to your particular circumstances. You may have reached an agreement in relation to Child Support and wish to enter into a Binding Child Support Agreement setting out the particulars of your agreement. It is important that your Binding Child Support Agreement is prepared properly and there is a requirement for both parties to receive Independent Legal Advices before entering into such an Agreement. We are able to provide you with advices as to the advantages and disadvantages of entering into a Child Support Agreement, as well as assisting you in having the terms of any agreement documented to ensure it is legally binding.
In the event you and your partner are unable to reach agreement between yourselves, we can assist you. There are many avenues available to negotiate a final agreement which do not involve commencing Court Proceedings. These options can include written negotiations, a round table conference, or a mediation taking place.
In relation to children’s matters, there is a requirement that parents engage in Family Dispute Resolution prior to filing an application to the Court (with some exceptions as to urgency and risk to children – if you consider such exceptions may apply to your case we can discuss those with you). We will provide you with advices as to the Family Dispute Resolution processes available to you, and offer you clear advice as to the options we consider may be the most appropriate for your particular circumstances.
Unfortunately, there are cases where you may need to consider commencing proceedings in either the Family Court of Australia or the Federal Circuit Court of Australia. If this occurs our Sunshine Coast Family Law team can provide you with the advices and advocacy necessary for you to navigate the Family Law Courts. Even if your matter ends up before the Court, our Family Law team remains settlement focused, and endeavours to resolve your matter without the need to proceed to a lengthy, and costly final hearing.
Our Sunshine Coast Family Law team is led by our Director, Samantha Bolton, who has over ten years experience in Family Law matters. Samantha has a particular focus on efficiency and providing honest, direct and practical commercial advices to clients. As an appointed Independent Children’s Lawyer, Samantha has extensive experience in complex children’s matters and is able to assist you with any issues you may have in relation to arrangements for your children. Samantha also has extensive experience in complex high net worth matrimonial disputes, as well as Protection Order Applications and providing advices as to Domestic and Family Violence.
In our experience, obtaining legal advice from the outset is often the best approach, as it allows you to enter into negotiations or discussions with clear knowledge of your potential entitlements, and basic knowledge of the law and legal process surrounding your separation.
If you have a family law enquiry, or require legal advice in relation to family law matters, do not hesitate to contact our Sunshine Coast Family Law team today, to make an appointment. Our Sunshine Coast Family Law team are able to assist you in all areas of Family Law including, but not limited to:
Advices before you separate so that you are aware of your options
Matrimonial and De Facto Property Settlement
High Net Worth Property Settlement
De Facto Relationships
Same Sex Relationships
Children’s Arrangements
Parenting Plans
Child Support
Child Support Agreements
Child Protection
Domestic and Family Violence
Family Dispute Resolution
Binding Financial Agreements
Spousal Maintenance